dimanche 5 avril 2020

"Operation" SURVIVAL COVID-19 "

(English translation below)

"Opération SURVIVAL COVID-19"

"SURVIE par COVID-19" ou: "Il paraîtrait que les MURS ont des OREILLES"

Ecoutez ce que j'ai à vous dire avant mon Décès en DIRECT TV(!!),PETITS "Humains" et MINABLE "PETIT Homme!"

Cela a été très facile,un "peu trop facile" de m'avoir eu comme "PROIE des vautours" sans jamais avoir le courage d'affronter une victime qui serait en possession de moyens de défense,à l'instar d'être démuni de toutes possibilités de pouvoir défendre sa Vie en abattant ses ennemis qui ont ,par ailleurs,AUCUN MOTIF ni autre grief à lui attribuer! Que de la BARBARIE à l'état pur de vos 95% voire plus qui est la part de la MASSE TOTALE QUANTITATIVE DEMOGRAPHIQUE PLANETAIRE MORTELLE de PESTIFéRéS MEURTRIERS ET ASSASSINS incluant mes SANGSUES PARASITES INFECTIEUSES PESTIFEREES qui DOIVENT DISPARAÎTRE de TOUTE URGENCE de CIRCULATION TERRESTRE POUR QUE JE PUISSE (SUR)VIVRE EN PAIX(ainsi que la SURVIE ce notre PLANETE(...),et en FONCTION DE MES BESOINS VITAUX PERSONNELS PSYCHOSOMATIQUES QUOTIDIENS...
Mais un jour viendra,qui sait,où nous nous retrouverons sur cette MICRO-CELLULE nommée "Terre" où sur l'une de ses SPHERES,ou ailleurs dans l'Univers.
Beaucoup trop facile pour vous jusqu'à présent...
                               "Opération "SURVIE COVID-19"

Contact S.O.S personnel avec l'ETHER et ma Mère,cette entité Biologique Femelle Cosmique CREATRICE de notre Système Solaire,notre Planète Terre et mon Être,pour EXTRACTION de surface publique de la RACINE :TODD BAZILLUS(intégrante au Soma de l'ensemble de notre Humanité),par sur vecteur directionnel LASER SPIRITUEL codé "COVID-19" en expression:

Femelle+[Entité Femelle-Mère Creatrice de VIE(s) dans la MORT COSMIQUE UNIVERSELLE]
(X) Mâle-[Entité Mâle-conjoint Père entité Mâle NON Crea(trice)teur puis forcé à être rendu SATAN par refus Sexologico-Coïtal provoqué par toi,Mère,à la BASE  ORIGINELLE de notre MUTATION de primates grands BONOBOS en Sapiens,pour raison(s) Biologique(s) Femelle(s) mystérieuse(s) qui restera(ront) connue(s) que par toi seule,Mère.
------------------------------BASé sur:----------------------------
J'invite,en ce 7 Avril 2020,

[jour ANNIVERSAIRE de ma 1ère MORT survenue en tant que victime matériello-SPIRITUELLEMENT ASSASSINEE sans aucun scrupule depuis 45 ans passés d'une Guerre en solitaire inhumaine et à perpétuité,"généreusement" offerte par la team NAZIE de la NASA et le 1/3 de l'Humanité complice-collaboratrice,pendant que demeurant toujours dépourvu de tout moyens de défense personnelle ET "humaine"(...) ],
les 2/3 restant découvrant en même temps que moi ce COVID-19,"petit Allié" NON HUMAIN et totalement INATTENDU,que semble m'offrir le Destin ET ma Mère Cosmique que je remercie pour son supposé apitoiement à mon égard et concertation diplomatique Cosmique préconisant clémence réciproque + aide conjointe associée de Père,que je souhaite maintenue jusqu'à la fin de ma présente existence...quand bien même le condamné que je suis serait jamais délivré de cette expérimentation BARBARE NAZIE à perpétuité!

(Moi,1erTEMOIN de "J'ai où va"....)
"SURVIVAL mercy COVID"19 as:"It seems that WALLS have EARS"

Listen to what I have to say to you before I Die,LITTLE "Humans" and "LITTLE Man"!
It was very easy, "a little too easy" to have had me as "PREY for vultures" without never having the courage to confront a victim who shoud be in possession of means of defenses,instead of being deprived of all possibilities of being able to defend his life by slaughtering his enemies who have,in addition,NO REASON or other grievance to attribute to him! That's pure BARBARITY of your 95%(or more)which is the SHARE of DEADLY PLANETARY DEMOGRAPHIC TOTAL QUANTITATIVE MASS of PLAGUED MURDERERS AND ASSASSIN HUMANS including my PLAGUE INFECTIOUS PARASITIC LEECHES WHICH MUST DISAPPEAR URGENTLY FROM MY EXISTENCE and INEVITABLY FROM EARTH CIRCULATION,so that I can (sur)VIVE in (and our PLANET' SURVIVAL TOO(...),and ACCORDING TO MY DAILY PERSONAL PSYCHOSOMATIC NEEDS,UNTIL MY DEATH...
But the day will come, who knows,where we will find ourselves on this MICRO-CELL called "Earth" or on one of its SPHERES,or elsewhere in the Universe.
Far too easy for you so far...

                               "Operation" SURVIVAL COVID-19 "

Personal SOS contact with the ETHER and my Mother,this Cosmic Female Biological Entity,CREATOR of our Solar System,our Planet Earth and my Being, to the goal of public area EXTRACTION of TODD BAZILLUS's ROOT (integral of the Soma of all of our Humanity),on directional Vector SPIRIT(UAL) LASER coded "COVID-19" with expression:

Female + [Female-Mother Entity,Creator of LIFE(s) in the UNIVERSAL COSMIC DEATH]
(X) Male- [Male(conjoined)Father entity NO Creator,then forced to become SATAN because of the refusal Sexologico-Coïtal caused by you,Mother,at the beginning of the ORIGINAL Prehistorical MUTATION of the big primates BONOBOS we were into Sapiens,for biological Mysterious Female (s) reason(s) which will remain known only by you alone,Mother.
--------------------------------On BASIS---------------------------
I invite, on this April 7, 2020,

[ Birthday of my 1st DEATH occurred as a material-SPIRITUALLY MURDERED victim without any scruple for the past 45 years of a solitary INHUMAN War and in perpetuity,too "generously" offered by the NAZIE team of NASA and 1/3 of the accomplice-collaborating Humanity,while I remain deprived of all means of personal AND "human" defense (...)],
the other two thirds discovering in same time than me this COVID-19, "little Ally" NOT HUMAN and totally UNEXPECTED,that seems to offer me Destiny AND my Cosmic Mother whom I thank for her supposed pity towards me and the Cosmic diplomatic concertation recommending reciprocal clemency associated to the joint help from Father,which I wish to be remained until the end of my present existence ...even if the condemned I am would never be released from this for life nazi barbarian experiment!
(I,1st WITNESS of "I get where I go" ....)

A Cosmic Entity "MALE God Creator" has NEVER EXISTED

                       << A MALE Cosmic entity "GOD CREATOR" HAS NEVER EXISTED!!<<

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I have the honor and immense pleasure of presenting myself alongside President Donald TRUMP who had challenged me to be able to do a single unprecedented DISCOVERY in order to give me material entitlement to US Nationality, since I have been made "spiritually" Citizen of the United States of America for almost 45 years of hard work THAT REMAINS TILL TODAY DAY WITHOUT SALARY !! Incredible but TRUE !!
Now here are 3 Discoveries,of which one of them being of major interest for this "illustrious" President, and in view of all his Hebrew Family at the forefront of the International social scene,and who will not be long in expressing themselves on all the Media in order to try to explain in their own "Divine Sacred" words to all of our Humanity now very interested in turn, all the "reasons" for that MASSACRE which we have been the subject for over 2000 years (...!)
As for the other 2 discoveries, they are of no less importance, I presume ....
Nothing else to add, except that I will get NO O?NE CENT neither from the GREED of the CAPITALIST and AVARICIOUS D.T, nor from that of all the accomplishing U.S.Governments which have succeeded to  date,and those of their accomplices Europeans Allies....
Consequently I put on sale these 3 discoveries to the most bidding of the multi-billionaire Ladies of the USA or failing that for that matter (and preferably enormously richer than is D.T...) who should be interested in these News mine and who would accept willingly the fully free mature man that I am.
With that,I let you discover my writings.

(The said "Unknown" Soldier who will make himself known Internationally as soon as he is publicized thanks to the help of that Soulmate whom I have been waiting for almost 45 years!)

                                                           (1st Discovery)


Considering the waves of "emigration" that we have been undergoing for already several years,which are unambiguously revealed as premeditated INVASIONS and by the same Declaration of Open War of ENEMIES all confused,we are addressing this Open Letter to the first INTERPELLATION of the  ISLAMISM continuing to put its Muslim "Religion" in the most "dark" of then international headlines,while juxtaposedly try to drive from his home the Native Frenchies and those of the EU!
As for Judaism and Catholicism (accompanied by this Islamism),the leading trio of all the international "Religious" classes, we do not leave them behind ... !!

On this Year of a thousand (Dis)graces 2020 after (the will of) "Jesus Christ", we have the immense joy and the honor to announce that the CRUCIFICTIONS are brought back to the order of the obscurantist days and nights,by the will of an11th Commandment which appeared to us Cards on the Table of New Divine Laws, and which we can predict WITHOUT NONE DOUBT to the whole World, the imminent END of these "Religious" SECTARIST MASSACRES!!

<< FALSE PEDESTAL Trilogy between The Universe, the Bible and "The" Devil <<

Know that we will speak for NOTHING SAY ... as usual, and since we have nothing to say...we absolutely want to know that ...
We share with you an extract of a Biology work dating the 1940's in the USA, which addresses to the MASS Psychology of our Human population, and which is entitled: "The Universe, the Bible and" The "Devil <<

We quote:
"The Truth, All the Truth, NOTHING but the TRUTH!" concerning the Creation of the Animal qualified as "Human", as well as of all the other species of the Animal kingdom (Mammals and Ovipares), but also of the Vegetal kingdom. We certify that:
1) Man has equal breasts to Woman, certainly aborted at birth, but indeed breasts;
2) Man possesses genitally the female "X" chromosome in addition to the male "Y", while the Woman has only her female "X";
3) The biological faculty that a certain percentage of men have of metamorphosing into women does not exist for women who keep their female morphology in their homosexuality.
 4) ALL CELLS of the whole Earth creatures species are FEMALE, none is malThis all undoubtedly brings out the share of female components existing in us, clearly greater than the male share, and that it is therefore quite IMPOSSIBLE that a Cosmic entity named "God", Jehovah, "Allah", "Buddha", "Shiva" among other names invented by the Man, could have created our Planet and its Terrestrial and Maritime creatures!

The only reality is that of a FEMALE energy entity or: Cosmic MATRIX MOTHER who created our Solar system and our Planet-Earth, and not a "Male Father-Creator God" totally absent from this "childbirth" (... ); it is a little later that our original BIOLOGICAL MOTHER gave birth to the Male substance which she carried in her.
The CREATION can be summed up as follows: our Solar system is a FEMALE Cosmic MATRIX which arises at a certain time in the LIVE Universal Cosmic Time which continues to flow.
Our Cosmic Mother waited for the good maturation of our Planet at its origin to bring to life the 2 Female / Male germs on all the creatures created by Her. We were able to reproduce only thanks to the chromosome "X" which absolutely had to exist in the Male who is ONLY to DETERMINE the genital genus of the newborn for the following reasons by taking our example:

If the Male who represents Him Humanely, wore his only “Y”, no reproduction could have taken place because: “Y” (male) x by “X” (female) would have given only males;
The only way was to make carry the female “X” to the Man so as to be able to reproduce us alternately: his “Y” x by “X” giving a boy and his “X” xl ”X” of the Woman giving a girl.

"FORMAL complementary ANALYSIS concerning a" Creator God "having NEVER EXISTED!"

Suppose that it was a “God Father (Eternal) Creator” who therefore created us, he should have been a FULL Male (assumed), comprising in his genes the Chromosome “Y” facing a Woman created by his care and comprising in Her the Chromosome “X” Female.OK?

Let’s try to reproduce under these Chromosomal conditions:
a) the “Y” Male x by the “X” Female would have given only Males;
b) If “Father God” had added the “Y” in the Female, “Y” x by “Y” = Nought and therefore same result as in a)
The only possibility of being able to procreate alone would have been to add in Him the "X" Female with equal quantitative share, of course ...
1) Now, there would have been, in all cases, TOTAL IMPOSSIBILITY to be a Cosmic entity “MALE Creator” in His own right with the only Chromosome “Y” existing in Him, since it should have had, in His genes, like the Man who represents Him, the X ”Female in addition to the breasts, and if this“ Male God Father Creator ”would have had the X chromosome“ Female + these breasts, this DOUBLE PART of FEMALE Energy existing in Him would necessarily have given place to the ONLY FEMALE Creative Cosmic ENTITY remaining in control.
In other words: a “God the ONE Creator Father” is totally excluded.

*** We can place some who may still have trouble understanding this "Creative" reality, simply in the presence of 2 pictures:
a) A Woman representing a Female Cosmic Creative entity comprising in her the genetic chromosome "X" female, and next to her:
b) A Man representing a Male Cosmic Creative entity comprising in him the genetic chromosomes "Y" male and "X" female.
Simple question-answer to all the proponents of these "Religions": is it possible according to you that _the Human Male that you put in the foreground beginning by the Pope fvor the Catholics _, could represent a "God-Male-Father ALONE & FULL PART Creator while carrying in his genes that of the female "??

From these very clear explanations,any alleged existence of "GOD Creators" (including:Jehovah,Allah, Buddah,Shiva,etc.) who presumed "created us" is, by these incontestable proofs, REJECTED UNANIMOUSLY Planetary!

From these irrefutable biological observations and analyzes,the Bible as well as all the other clumsily transformed plagiarism works, accompanied by their dogmatic "Religious" doctrines conceived on an IMAGINARY existence of "Gods" - plural creators", have neither more meaning nor value (except that "of the" Devil ...) ,"Cultural" and Literary, because coming from so-called "divine supernatural" manifestations having led to the birth of so-called "Prophets" (Jesus, Muhammad, etc ...) and the writing of "Sacred texts" based on NIL, because on an EXISTENTIAL BASE of a "multiple Creator God" INEXISTING in reality! All the "Prayers", incantations and other "hopes" (of good ... or bad ...) launched by the Spirit in the direction of these "Gods" by imagining to have their SUPPORT, are addressed to NO RECEIVER other than NIL! What occurs is nothing less than blows of fate, chance or coincidence independent of any "Divine Aid" and "Miracles" combined.

All these "Religious" works (from Latin: "Religare" = Attached to ...), they are composed at the same time of IMAGINARY, IGNORANCE, ARBITRARY and HYPOCRISY,and are that SOCIAL TRICKERIES well used by their Leaders having formed "Religious Armies" leaning on until squarely pretending to represent this "Creative Power" intended to KEEP IN DICTATORIAL LEASH by REPRESSIONS, OPPRESSIONS, PROHIBITED and CASTRATIONS-CHASTRATIONS of the masses of CONDITIONED individuals under the yoke of an IMPOSED MYSTICISM (if not already innate),within a MASS Psychology of FASCISM where the Patriarchy definitively IMPOSED by force since 2000 years, remains however and without doubt more and more FALSE dominating this antique MATRIARCHY certainly decline, but which nevertheless continues to pull all the strings of this DEADLY and MORTaL SADO-MASOCHIST Game of the "run after me handsome Male and try to get me ... IF you can. "
This famous "Sin of the flesh" endowed with Philosophies under endless rantings,as coveted as hated by _mainly_ the Heterosexuals of the 2 sexes, remains ONLY at the origin of the creation of these "Religions" which were intended to supplant this the Matriarchy still a little predominant and fairly "generous" sexually in the past, but which "refused" more and more to us ...
It was therefore necessary, in an attempt to reduce this GROWING DEPRIVATION,to find strategies and stratagems which brought by force, the WILLS of a Patriarchate then possessing full dictatorial powers: "Religious", Family, "Political", Political-Totalitarian, Judicial, etc ... leading visibly to the self-destruction of our species and that of our Planet! "

BUT what is the main complaint against these "Religious" SECTS the whole claiming to represent "Gods" or: "Absolute and arbitrary Patriarchal POWER" replacing the Matriarchy.?
a) DEVIATIONS until TOTAL SUPPRESSION of sexual manifestations and explorations awakening from our earliest childhood,which were quite normally authorized to FREE LET-GO by the Matriarchy still predominant in the past.
b) CONSEQUENCES: DEEP DISTURBANCE of our normal Genital functioning or: "Original General Psycho-Somatic Functionalism", having caused the DEGENERESCENCE accentuated from our ancient species of Primates BONOBOS become Sapiens,accompanied by degenerative bodily diseases and other (Psycho) Pathological affections by LACK of SEXO-AFFECTIVITY,become deadly in the short term! CANCERS, suicides, irreversible alienations, etc., in our time have become commonplaces,not to mention banalities to the lost "attention" of our Humanity who has become almost bored with these subjects ....
Here is exactly what we have been getting for more than 20 Centuries by these CRIMINALS and "unnamed" ASSASSINS " belonging to the sublimated "Religious" FASCISM (...) making believe and swallow the gullible under Mystical hold (constantly fed with care ...!) unconscious and especially IGNORING ALL the Truth, that "Priests" and their whore nuns associated accomplices,represent this / these "God(s)" and conjoined Prophets (Jesus,Muhammad,aso ...) sent to Earth to disclose that "Good" by Human "Goodness"(...) ",while these GURUS represent but only the EVIL generously distributed under" "Divine Immunity"self-arbitrarily conferred.These MASSACRES knowingly premeditated by these SECTARIAN "Religious",are in nothing comparable to the frank fun of those operated by the Nazism of A. Hitler !!
This selected extract is the essential of what you need to know, and we firmly want to put "at the foot of the wall" (including that of LAMENTATIONS' ...) all those tenants of "Religions" which have NO(MORE) REASON to exist after such an unveiling, if not under incurable Psychopathology to urgently need to be treated by Ad Hoc means ...
In addition, these whole "Religious" leaders are strongly invited to NOT FLEE these BIOLOGICAL REALITIES, but on the contrary to contest and respond PUBLICLY by Media to these evidences which they would displease them,by turning away from them preferring to DEFECT these "errors" if they would seduce them ..
Let them try to falsify,void,demolish and make these affirmations forever grow with the Scientists who have perfectly analyzed them.
***May all the educated-cultivated among the Islamic World, _ including those of liberal professions: Doctors, Lawyers, etc ..._ have will and courage, _under professional awareness hoped_, to appear on the international social scene in an attempt to REASON these FANATIC "Muslims", because being the only ones who can perhaps (...) get there,by making them understand that their "ALLAH" which they believed to be the "Father Creator" of this Planet AND (ex) supreme COMMANDER of this "Jihad" or "Holy War", has NEVER EXISTED in reality that in IMAGINARY, and that they are only MANIPULATED by all these "Imams" who are only IMPOSTERS and CHARLATANS masquerading as this "NON EXISTING" Allah "!
Now,If these intellectuals will do nothing,then we will be forced to issue  necessary conclusions that will prevail.

We are waiting for their response.

(Citizens very attentive to the continuation and follow-up of these (Wars of) "Religions-NONSENSE/S" still omnipresent and to the CHAIN ​​which links them together TO THE POINT of being FINALLY BROKEN!)

We are a team of mature RESEARCHERS quite independent of all "traditional conventional" Scientific similar organizations,of which the main of us who brought us that "Discovery" has something else to say. We leave the pen to him.

"My respects to all those reading me.
I am actually a researcher,_among others_,who brings a Proposal to a VERY WEALTHY Lady who should be like me looking for a Soul Mate.I offer Her "big" in exchange of wanting me as a companion: I wrote a Medical Thesis which might prove that there will NEVER EXIST a VACCINE against AIDS, because it looks like a CANCER of an  other "design".
Why do I want Her very wealthy? To be able to have my own Laboratory, because being very far from having the means to do so.
*** Indispensable precision: for the best desired functioning of our couple,I would really like Her marginal non conformist,very simple and with a rather "warm and spontaneous" sensual Loving temperament under a wideminded Spirit thanks to which we will be able to speak easily of all these things and natural behaviors of our existence. "
*** Another thing else: I REJECT any contact from any Medical Center or parallel similar whatsoever organization.
Thanking you all for your kind understanding,I remain.
CordiaDlly. (A versatile researcherD)

      (3rd Discovery)